Python's Finally block In Try Except (Python 3 )

Python's Finally block In Try Except

The finally block is executed regardless of whether an exception occurs or not. Finally blocks are useful, for example, when you want to close a file or a network connection regardless of what happens. After all, you want to clean up resources to prevent memory leaks.

In this example we open a file without using the with statement, forcing us to close it ourselves. The finally block is ideal for this situation.

Now change the writing mode to 'r' instead of 'w'. You'll get an error since the file does not exist. Despite this exception, we try to close the file anyway thanks to the finally block. This in turn goes wrong too: a NameError exception is thrown because the file was never opened, and hence f does not exist. You can fix this with a nested try.. except NameError. Try it for yourself.

This example is from my Python Tutorial on Python Exceptions.

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